At Recon Damage, we handle a wide range of projects, from total renovations to furniture sandblasting. Take a look at some of our featured cases below.
Asbest 20210423 150646 864×1152 Asbestos damage
Asbestos removal
Renovaties 8A Fire damage
Facade renovation
IMG 20240605 WA0025 Sandblasting and air gumming
Sandblasting facade
Industrie IMG 20220628 WA0006 Industry
Industrial Cleaning
Recon Damage Zandstralen 4 Sandblasting and air gumming
Sandblasting concrete bridge
Asbest 20190612 135142 Asbestos damage
Asbestos removal
Renovaties 2A Fire damage
Renovation appartment
Bouwdrogers Photo 3 Water damage
Installation of construction dryers
Renovaties 12E Fire damage
Full Project
Renovaties 6A Fire damage
Renovation after fire damage
Renovaties 10B Fire damage
Renovation house
Reconditionering Elektronica IMG 4108 Industry
Electronics reconditioning